SharePoint Document Management System

Finding accurate information can be an employees most time consuming task and once they have found the content they have to assume that it's up to date. But without robust document management in place this can quite often be a near impossible goal. Enterprise Content is diverse - both geographically and by type, it's very often living and generated by collaboration. Efficient businesses make it simple for employees to find, discover and create content with tagging and workflow being an intuitive aid rather than a cumbersome burden. Relevant and reliable content allows businesses to solve problems faster, help customers more effectively and allows people to get on with what they do best.

Save Time

Save Time

Information gets created every day from emails to images. Without effective document management this information gets stored in a plethora of places from file servers to employee hard drives to USB sticks and the cloud. The more disparate the storage locations, the less usable that information becomes for the organization and the longer it takes to find the right information. This situation generates inefficiencies in your organization as people spend more time searching or duplicating effort: good document management saves time.

Ensure Compliance

Ensure Compliance 

The world is an increasingly impatient place and your customers are busy people. Should you make them wait for information? They don't think so. Document management can help you deliver better customer service without increasing headcount by making your information more accessible, faster. Seamless integration of extranet self-service portals with specified document stores allows your customers to find the knowledge they need faster themselves. SharePoint document management also speeds up the response time of your customer contact staff in finding the answers to the questions they get asked by your customers.

Improve Customer Service

Improve Customer Service

Regulation requires control, but even in businesses that don't operate in a regulated environment document management can bring legal and compliance benefits. With document management you have a single version of the truth for any point in time, and you can prove it. If you don't have document management, old versions of important documents can persist and proving which document was current at a point in time is difficult. SharePoint 2013 Document management is risk mitigation for your organization in a situation where there is no benefit for taking that risk.